
What is AdBlue?

AdBlue is a solution made up of urea and water, used in the emissions removal systems of diesel engine vehicles and equipment. Chemically speaking AdBlue is a 32.5% solution of Urea in purified water.

How does it work?

Following mixing, the AdBlue and exhaust gas mixture passes into a catalyst system where a chemical reaction takes place converting the NOx to harmless Nitrogen and Water, which are then expelled from the end of the exhaust. During the reaction, the AdBlue is consumed and needs to be replaced by refilling the tank periodically.



AdBlue is available to purchase from 10 Litre individual containers to bulk deliveries up to 26,000 Litres.

10, 20, & 205 Litres containers can be ordered through our online shop.

To enquire about ordering 1,000 litre IBC and bulk deliveries please either email sales@efuels.uk or call us on 01476 850696.

Office Opening Times


We're open 5 days a week.

Monday - Friday 8am to 5.30pm

Why not call us on 01476 589398 or send us a message - click here

A customers comment:

"Fast delivery of a brilliant product. You've been very helpful when placing my order. Many thanks"

Matt, Nottingham

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J R Rix & Sons Limited, 2 Humber Quays, Wellington Street, Hull, HU1 2BN
Registered in England: 00577587. VAT Registration Number: GB 168 1253 62
© 2022 eFuels Limited